Who’s doing what about climate in Reading?
Get inspired by climate-positive initiatives already happening in Reading.
Read the blogs
We hope this series will motivate you and spark creative climate collaborations.
Part 1: Reading Borough Council: A few highlights from our Council’s latest climate initiatives, including new electric bin lorries named Dusty Binfield and Bincent Van Gone.
Part 2: The circular economy is a vibe!: Some of Reading’s local sharing, re-use, bartering and repair initiatives that could change your life!
Part 3: Reading’s nature and ecosystem services: Coming soon
Citizen journalism
- Send your suggestions for local projects we should add to the series.
- Would you like to research ‘who’s doing what’ for Reading in areas like community energy, ESG, business models, inter-faith groups, biodiversity, education, neighbourhood actions, etc., and write it up for this series? Please get in touch if you’d like to join our comms team as a volunteer writer or social media content creator.