An Introduction

By focusing on efficient use of resources we can keep them circulating in the economy and reduce demand for virgin materials.

There are two fundamental approaches to resource efficiency in business. The first is simply to minimise waste by well-managed procurement and careful redeployment of surplus resources. The second is to embrace the principles of the Circular Economy, which re-examines the market needs being met by the business and determines how to meet them with the minimum consumption of resources, including disrupting the underlying business model. These options are more are considered here.

The plan

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Actions that make an impact

Take a look at the areas where you can make a positive change, today


Resources | Waste & Recycling |

Use the Re3cyclopedia

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Organisations | Resources |

Optimise the use of water in your organisation

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Here are some useful resources to help you along your journey for change.


Committing to science-based decarbonisation targets

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Energy and resources savings finder tool

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Guide to Running a More Environmentally Sustainable Office: WRAP

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How to recycle hard-to-recycle items: Terracycle

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Saving water in your business: Thames Water

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Areas where you can help

Explore other areas where you can make a positive change, today



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Stakeholder Engagement

energy health nature transport

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Travel & transport


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