Take a look at our Eco Factsheets
We have created a series of factsheets giving advice, information and tips. If you would like to see information on a particular area, please get in touch at info@readingcan.org.uk
Factsheet: Trees for Small Gardens
Every garden has space for a tree. Perhaps for beauty, for fresh fruit, for wildlife, for shade to sit under in our hotter summers, or to conceal the ugly shed next door. This factsheet gives some advice about planting trees and what needs to be considered.
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Factsheet: Native Tree
Native species provide food and homes for a much wider range of insects, fungi, birds and mammals than most of the imported varieties. This factsheet gives the maximum height, preferred growing conditions and explains whether species can be pollarded to keep them growing beautifully in a smaller area, or are suitable as hedging plants when too large for a small garden as a standard tree.
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Factsheet: Creating Food Soil at Home
There are lots of different systems of creating soil food at home either with or without green waste from the garden. This factsheet details three of the options available for creating food for your soil, with some handy tips and guidance to make the right choice based on household and outside space.
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