An Introduction
By wasting less and recycling more we can keep resources circulating in the economy and reduce demand for virgin materials.
Our consumer society follows a linear model where we take resources, make products and then discard them, creating needless waste and adding to both carbon emissions and pollution. By keeping things in use longer, and finding new uses for the discarded resources, we can minimise our environmental impact and help fight climate change.
Actions that make an impact
Take a look at the areas where you can make a positive change, today

Individuals | Eating & Drinking | Waste & Recycling |
Reduce food waste with the Kitche app
Read onIntermediate

Individuals | Eating & Drinking | Waste & Recycling |
Download the Too Good To Go App
Read onBeginner
More information
Here are some additional sources of support and information to help you make positive changes
Areas where you can help
Explore other areas where you can make a positive change, today
Individuals in Reading have already joined our network
Together, we can achieve so much more … join Reading Climate Action Network today and take action to support our goal of a net zero, climate resilient town

Take the pledge
Pledge to take action
Commit to make at least 5 simple changes that will make an immediate impact. You can start today, it’s easy to do.