Do you have an idea for a Reading Climate Festival 2024 event or could you fund, sponsor or host one?

Reading Climate Festival 2023 was a huge success. More than 13,000 people attended 25 festival events and activities – both online and in person.

Our annual Festival aims to inspire climate-conscious living and mobilise people around some of the most effective actions we can take as a town. Last year, we had events for local businesses, for kids and for the public. We also had events for schools, homeowners, landlords, foodies, fashionistas and more.

Now we’re calling for YOUR ideas for 2024 and YOUR hosting skills!


Reading Climate Festival 2024 will run from 8th June until the 21st June 2024.

With your help, we’d like to create a programme of events that serves lots of communities in lots of different ways.

We are interested in hearing your ideas for:

  • Fun and inspiring events that bring people together
  • Ways to hear concerns and ideas related to tackling climate change in Reading
  • Workshops on skills related to sustainable business and low-carbon living
  • Creative events that inspire and/or inform climate action
  • Campaigns that bring attention to specific strategic actions
  • Bringing people together to form new social enterprises or funds
  • Anything else you can think of that helps move us towards net zero or celebrates the wonderful benefits of low-carbon living!


Our online form is now closed for submissions but we may still be able to include your ideas in the festival programme. Get in touch with us by email to have an initial chat.

The push to net zero by 2030…ReadingCAN will bring people together throughout 2024 to co-create an updated Climate Emergency Plan. This Festival will be an important part of that engagement process.

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