This year World Food Day is calling for action for better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all.

Why is World Food Day so important? 

The way that we produce, consume and waste food is taking a heavy toll on our planet and putting unnecessary pressure on natural resources and the environment. Food production can often degrade or destroy natural habitats and contribute to species extinction. Not only does this waste money, but it also exposes profound inequalities and injustices in our global society – as 3 billion people worldwide cannot afford to eat a healthy diet.

What can you do as an individual to transform food systems for the better?

  • Choose healthy diets – A varied diet supports biodiversity and also benefits your body and mind!
  • Choose sustainable – e.g. eat seasonable fruit and vegetables and choose foods that come in less packaging.
  • Reduce food waste – Buy only what you need and meal plan to avoid needing to throw excess food away.
  • Support local food producers – Not only will this boost the local economy, it will also reduce food miles.


You can find out more ways to get involved with World Food Day 2021 here.

All information taken from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

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