The Environment Agency is hosting 7 public drop-in events from 26 February to 20 March. Come along to find out more about flood risk in Reading and Caversham, what residents can do to prepare and our updated plans for a possible flood scheme. There will also be information on how climate change may increase flood risk in the future.

Over 700 properties are at risk from a major flood in Reading and Caversham. The latest design to reduce flood risk includes a combination of flood walls and embankments, temporary flood barriers and a channel.

table of dates
Reading and Caversham FAS drop in dates Feb-Mar 2020

After listening to feedback from the public, we have made changes to the proposed design and have new information to share. At the drop-ins, there will be landscape plans and photos showing what the scheme could look like if it is built. There will also be photos of historical flooding and information about local flood risk and how you can sign up for warnings.

It is important to note that the project is still at an early stage, so it does not yet have the relevant permissions and may not go ahead.


Flooding on George Street Reading 1947

If you would like to find out more about the project please visit the website

If you have any questions please speak to a project member At the drop ins or email the team at



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