

Reading is classed as water-stressed and climate change will exacerbate this. Making a few small changes can add up to a big difference in water consumption.


Unless your organisation operates water-intensive processes, water is probably not high on your agenda. But with the south east of England under water stress, there is a significant risk of a shortfall in supply in the near future.

Here are some simple things you can do to reduce the amount of water you use in your buildings:

    • Check for leaks on toilets, taps and urinals. Even a small constant dribble can waste 200-400 litres a day – as much as a family of four’s total daily use.
    • Stop urinals from flushing overnight. Even if you don’t have sensors fitted, turning off the flow to the urinals could save you thousands of litres every day.
    • Educate your staff about saving water. They might not be thinking about water efficiency as they work.

It’s worth considering the impact of water shortage on your business continuity plans. For example, if you are unable to flush the toilets on-site due to interruption of supply, the site would have to be closed. Water supply interruption is an aspect of climate change adaptation that businesses need to plan for.

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